TOUR SCHEDULE: The Wonderful Wishes of B by Katherin Nolte

Hello everyone! We are so excited to announce the tour schedule for The Wonderful Wishes of B by Katherin Nolte.

June 4th
therearenobadbooksTop 5 Reasons to Read The Wonderful Wishes of B

June 5th
Dana Loves BooksReview
The Daily LibrarianTop 5 Reasons to Read The Wonderful Wishes of B

June 6th

June 7th
One More ExclamationTop 5 Reasons to Read The Wonderful Wishes of B
Paiges of NovelsReview, Playlist

June 8th
dinipandareadsPromotional Post

June 9th
the nutty bookworm reads alotReview

June 3rd
avainbooklandReview, Favorite Quotes
froggyreadteachTop 5 Reasons to Read The Wonderful Wishes of B, Creative Post: Little Free Library Drop

June 4th
bookdemonioPromotional Post
therearenobadbooksContent Creator’s Choice

June 5th
thedailylibrarianContent Creator’s Choice

June 6th
get.outside.and.readPromotional Post

June 7th
ablueboxfullofbooksCreative Post: Little Free Library Drop, TikTok
onemoreexclamationContent Creator’s Choice
paiges_of_novelsContent Creator’s Choice

June 8th
library_teacherTop 5 Reasons to Read The Wonderful Wishes of B
dinipandareadsPromotional Post

June 9th
ninebookishlivesPromotional Post
nissa_the.bookwormTop 5 Reasons to Read The Wonderful Wishes of B

Genre: Middle Grade
Publishing date: June 4th, 2024

Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound


All that stands between ten-year-old Beatrice and an amazing life are five wishes…and she’s got a plan to make them all come true! A magical and heartfelt adventure about grief, hope, and the power of human connection.

Beatrice Corwell has a crooked haircut, eight well-trained cats, and a she’s turning herself into a Tin Man. Once her heart is made of metal, she’ll no longer miss her beloved dead grandma, her absent dad, or her recently moved-away best friend.

While Beatrice awaits her transformation, she keeps vigil with a special doll and a handful of wishes she’s determined to make come true. With her encyclopedic knowledge, there must be a way to grant her heart’s deepest desires.

When an unusual boy named Caleb moves to town and mentions his granny’s interest in magic, Beatrice decides to enlist their help. She quickly learns, however, that spells don’t always go as planned, and witches can’t be trusted.

With the arrival of an unexpected visitor and a series of otherworldly messages, Beatrice’s plans begin to falter. Will her heart turn into metal? Will any of her wishes come true?

The Wonderful Wishes of B. is the story of a smart, quirky girl learning what she wants and what she needs—and how, sometimes, the wishes we hold dearest are granted in the most unexpected ways.

Katherin Nolte received an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where she was a Truman Capote Fellow. Her fiction has appeared in dozens of publications and won multiple awards, but it was a late-night ER visit with her four children that inspired her to write Back to the Bright Before. An Ohio native, she currently lives with her family in Iowa.

Website | Goodreads

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